Orange and Black Day at Abraham Erb PS – Friday, October 30th

Tomorrow we are going to be holding an Orange and Black spirit day . Students are encouraged to wear black and orange clothes or a Halloween costume. If you choose to have your child wear a costume, please remember that students are not to wear masks, or have any weapons (plastic swords, knives, guns, etc.) that are carried with them. Please keep them at home. The characters cannot be violent in nature.

As well, we will be hosting our first “We Scare Hunger” food drive. Food donations will be collected on this day, for one day only. Please consider the donation as your child’s “ticket” to dress up for the day. The food that is collected will be donated to a local food bank.

Also, many classes will be holding an afternoon class celebration. Due to allergies and food sensitivities, please contact the teacher if you are planning to provide a nutritious treat for students! Please, no NUTS or nut products. We have provided a few examples from Pinterest of what your child could bring that is both healthy and fun! Check out Pinterest for more creative snack ideas to share.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child’s teacher.

Healthy ‘Spooktacular’ Halloween Snack Ideas

Spider Crackers                        Cheesy Witch Brooms     Clementine Pumpkins            Popcorn Witch’s Hand



Jack o’ Lantern Oranges     String Cheese Ghost              Goldfish Pumpkin Bags      Mummified Apples



Cheese Monsters          Cup of Monster Grapes