“The Power of Yet” in Room 6!


2014 Director’s Annual Report

The 2014 Director’s Annual Report is now available! Each year, the Director is required to submit a report to the Ministry of Education, highlighting the achievements of the past year. Our Annual Report gives the local community a snap shot at what students and staff have achieved. Awards, good news stories and  achievements in learning […]

YMCA Immigrant Services for Families

Hello Community Members, Happy New Year!  YMCA Immigrant Services would like to share with you all our upcoming programs, sessions and activities. Here are a few highlights: Family Language and Learning Program For families who have been in Canada less than 3 years. Offered in collaboration with Frontier College and the University of Waterloo Tutors. […]

‘Music Man’ Comes to Laurelwood P.S.!

Laurelwood Public School presents The Music Man, involving over 175 students, running evenings February 23-25, 2015 in the WCI auditorium. The Music Man is set in early twentieth-century Iowa. The plot is centred around a fast-talking travelling salesman, Harold Hill, who cons the townspeople into buying band instruments and uniforms for a boys’ band he […]

Important Pizza Reminder

Good afternoon Abraham Erb families, This is an important reminder that February pizza orders and payment are due tomorrow — Tuesday January 27th. We cannot accept late orders and will not process unpaid orders. When ordering through School-Day, please be sure to press CONFIRM and get your confimation code to ensure your order has been placed. Families wishing […]

‘You Otter Know!’ – Spirit Squad

The Abraham Erb Spirit Squad consists of a dedicated group of grade 5 and 6 students who help to advertise, organize, and spread the word about upcoming events at our school. From producing posters to creating and reading announcements to advertise events, these boys and girls play a very important role in raising awareness of […]

West Waterloo Boundary Study Update

Good morning Abraham Erb families, This is a reminder that Abraham Erb P.S. is part of a boundary study for the schools of West Waterloo this year. The study is underway and working group meetings and public meetings are being scheduled. A new button has been added to our school home page for easy access […]

‘You Otter Know!’ – Milk Bag Collection

Hey Otters and Parents, Students in Room 25 are collecting milk bags for a special project in partnership with the Clair Hills Retirement Community. The milk bags you donate will be sent to Clair Hills where residents will weave them into mats. The mats are given to organizations that use them as packaging for shipments […]

‘You Otter Know’ – Running Club & Santa Pursuit

Our Running Club had a fantastic turnout of students in grades 4-6. The morning running club met every Tuesday and Friday and the after school running club met on Wednesdays. During running club we played exciting fitness games and went on runs in the forest and around the neighbourhood. The students were always eager to […]

Safety Updates

We are well into 2015, and winter is here at last.  Families are asked to be mindful of traffic in our community — both walking and vehicular traffic — for the safety of all. Students are encouraged to walk to school, and enjoy the Canadian Winter as much as possible! However when students must be […]

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