Area Track Meet This Thursday!

Following is info for students and parents for the Area Track Meet this Thursday, June 18th at University Stadium. *Rain or shine (except for thunderstorms).  There is no rain date. 1) Students meet in the front lobby at 8:45 a.m. for attendance and to receive your event  labels. We leave at 9:00 a.m. 2) Dress […]

Parent Involvement Committee Looking for New Members

The Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) of the Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB) invites parents/guardians of students currently enrolled in one of the WRDSB schools to apply for positions on the WRDSB Parent Involvement Committee. The mandate for the WRDSB Parent Involvement Committee is to: Provide information and advice on parent engagement to the Waterloo […]

Weather Warnings for Waterloo Region

Update 9:30pm: All weather watches and warnings for Waterloo Region have been lifted.   All schools have been notified of the weather watches and warnings currently in place for Waterloo Region. Our priority is always the safety of our students and staff. Administrators are directed to follow the procedure for tornado conditions. We will keep […]

Kindness and Safety at Abraham Erb

‘Be Kind and Play Safe’ is a message our Abraham Erb students hear daily on morning announcements, from our teachers and staff members, and from our Playground Ambassadors. Families can help by continuing the conversation at home. We encourage parents to ask their children to: -share ways they showed kindness and safety with others, both […]

Have your say in the 2015-16 Budget Process!

How can you give input? Appear as a delegation at the June 10, 2015 Special Committee of the Whole Meeting. If you would like to appear as a delegation, you must register with the Manager of Corporate Services by noon on Thursday, June 4 2015. More information on delegation procedures and how to register is […]

Fun Fair

Reminder of the Fun Fair on Thursday, May 28 starting at 4:30 until 7:30.  See you there!

Welcome Playground Ambassadors!

In our ongoing efforts to promote safety, caring, and a sense of belonging here at Abraham Erb, we are piloting a Playground Ambassadors program with the help of Grade 4 student volunteers and their teachers. Beginning Monday, May 25th, our Playground Ambassador students will work in teams of two on the playground during nutrition breaks per week to: •   […]

Update: Information Regarding Grades 3 & 6 EQAO Assessments

We would like to provide families with an update to our previous letter indicating that the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO) would begin strike action on Monday, May 11, 2015. The strike action taken by ETFO across the province, and including here in the WRDSB, involves the withdrawal of administrative duties, including the administration […]

Update on Administration of Grades 3, 6 & 9 EQAO Assessments

The Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) notified the WRDSB that they will not be sending the Grade 3 and 6 Reading, Writing and Mathematics assessment materials to any boards currently affected by labour action. As a result, no WRDSB students in Grades 3 and 6 will participate in the EQAO assessment this year, until […]

Confirming Bus Transportation 2015-16

Good morning Abraham Erb families, Student bussing information for the 2015-16 school year will be available to schools and families on August 24, 2015. Parents can login and view their child’s transportation details by going to and following these steps: Click on “Student Login” Click on “Student Login” again (near the bottom of the page) […]

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