Parent-Teacher Interviews – Online Booking Opens Soon!

We are excited to confirm that parents will book their upcoming parent-teacher interview appointments online using School-Day. Our designated interview times are Thursday, November 6th (evening) and Friday, November 7th (morning). Parents that are not able to attend interviews on these dates, are asked to contact the teacher to make alternate arrangements. Parents with a School-Day account […]

Coming This Week: Online Interview Scheduling!

We are excited to inform you that parents will book their upcoming parent-teacher interview appointments online using School-Day. Our designated interview times are Thursday, November 6th (evening) and Friday, November 7th (morning). Parents that are not able to attend interviews on these dates, will be asked to contact the teacher to make alternate arrangements. We […]

Reminder! Parent Workshop This Wednesday

This is a reminder of our ‘Raising Kids Who Love Learning’ parent workshop, this Wednesday from 6 to 8 p.m. Thanks to all our registrants! There is still time to register online for this workshop. Click here to go to the registration form. You may also complete and return a paper registration. The program flyer with […]

A Sign of Respect

Out of respect for the tragic events that unfolded in Ottawa yesterday, and to honour the life of Cpl. Nathan Cirillo, flags at all WRDSB schools and the Education Centre will be lowered until further notice.

Progress Report and Parent Teacher Conferences

Happy Thanksgiving to all! Enjoy the wonderful Fall weather and time with family and friends this weekend. Progress Reports will be sent home November 3, 2014.  Abraham Erb will host Parent Teacher conferences formally on the evening of November 6, and morning of November 7.  Your classroom teacher may also provide times outside of these […]

Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) Accepting Applications

The Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) of the Waterloo Region District School Board invites parents/guardians of students currently enrolled in a WRDSB school to apply for positions on the WRDSB Parent Involvement Committee. The mandate for the WRDSB Parent Involvement Committee is to: Provide information and advice on parent engagement to the Waterloo Region District School […]

Raising Kids Who Love Learning – Free Workshop at Abe!

Raising Kids Who Love Learning: How Risk, Resilience and Relationships Help Children Embrace Learning Wednesday, October 29th, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at Abraham Erb P.S. Parents, please join us for a free workshop to learn practical skills to help children become excited about and open to learning! We will discuss how exploration, risk-taking and […]

Terry Fox Run/Toonies for Terry

Abraham Erb P.S. will hold our Terry Fox Run this Thursday, October 9th (weather permitting). The run will take place on school property with teachers on hand to mark the route and encourage our runners! We are inviting students to bring a “Toonie for Terry” on Thursday to benefit the Terry Fox Run campaign to raise […]

EQAO Results – Grade 3 and 6

Individual student results have been sent home this week for students now in grade 4 and 7, who wrote the Primary or Junior Division Assessment last spring. If your child is new to Abraham Erb, results will be sent home as they arrive from sending schools. Please take time to review the results to better […]

Have You Signed Up for School-Day?

As you may have heard, Abraham Erb is now using School-Day, an online portal that lets us instantly share school news and events with parents. As our use of School-Day is phased in, families will be able to receive school news and announcements, complete permission forms, and pay for many school services, products or events, all […]

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