Each year, members of the school community are asked to give feedback on our school climate by completing a Safe, Caring and Inclusive School (SCIS) survey.

This is an important invitation and request for help. We are very hopeful that EVERY ABRAHAM ERB FAMILY will complete an online parent survey to help us:

-assess our current school climate
-confirm if this year’s initiatives have had a positive impact, and
-obtain rich and reliable data to drive next year’s school improvement efforts

Surveys are open now until May 31st, 2015. The survey should take 15-20 minutes to complete.
A link to the parent survey can be found here. There is also a button on our school home page to take you to the survey.

Safety, caring, and a sense of belonging are daily priorities for all of us at Abraham Erb. Please consider a small investment of time to complete the survey. Your feedback is valued and needed!


Tatania Stroud, Principal
Brad Hughes, Vice-Principal
Abraham Erb P.S.