During this school year, an Occupational Therapist (OT) and Physiotherapist (PT) from KidsAbility Centre for Child Development will once again be working with teachers and students in our school.

OTs and PTs are regulated health professionals who focus on improving activities of daily living and ensuring safe mobility. An OT and PT will be in our school on a regular basis to support teachers in our classrooms, gym, and playground. This support is available to all classrooms.

OTs and PTs may visit your child’s classroom to observe. The OT or PT may suggest universal (general) strategies to the classroom teachers that can be used by all students. This OT consultation might look at how to improve self-care skills (like dressing for recess), cutting with scissors, pencil grasp/printing and ideas to help improve focus in the classroom (such as movement breaks). This PT coaching may address balance and co-ordination, or participation in gym and on the playground. Your teacher may share ideas from the OT or PT for you to try at home.

Some students may benefit from more support from the OT or PT. This may include working with the OT or PT one-on-one or in a group at school. If your child may benefit from this individual support, your teacher will contact you to provide more information. You may also contact the teacher at any time if you feel your child might benefit from the OT or PT working with them.

If you have any questions or concerns about this, please contact the school or your child’s teacher.

Translations Available

Arabic OT PT Parent Letter Sept 2024

Vietnamese OT PT Parent Letter Sept 2024

Spanish OT PT Parent Letter Sept 2024

French OT PT Parent Letter Sept 2024